Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today Week 13 of Pregnancy : Heartburn and Nausea

I am in the throes of Week 13 of my pregnancy. This means I am moving closer and closer to the second trimester. Sometimes I think I am starting to feel a bit better (in terms of nausea and energy levels), but then at other times I still feel overwhelmingly awful. My nausea is worst in the morning, late afternoon and evening. By the time I lie down in bed to read Darah a story, I feel desperate for unconsciousness. Sleep, sleep! Last night, sleeping was difficult. Darah was up for what seemed like a couple of hours crying fussing with teething pain. I gave her some Tylenol and Orajel, but it still took her a while to calm down enough to sleep. We felt so sorry for her. It was clear she was in pain. Earlier in the night, she was crying and touching her mouth. I said, "Oh, does it hurt? Ow. Ow?" And she repeated "Ow," while touching her cheek. It's so sad when you can't make it better. I just held her and stroked her hair until she finally fell asleep.

My mom and (paternal) grandmother stayed with us for the first two weeks in April. I found it VERY helpful. I was glad for Darah to have her meals at the table and have energetic people around to interact with...she loved having them here, too. They cooked (well, when I let them) and cleaned and cared for Darah. It worked out pretty well. My only major complaint was the horrible smell of boiled eggs that seemed to fill the house for two weeks straight. Darah enjoyed having eggs every day, but I could not stand the smell. No escape. Boiled eggs. Ack. I am very grateful that they came to help. My father and brother met them here for Easter. Darah was in her glory with all of the excitement and interaction available. Now it's just back to Darah and her sick MummyJ during the day. She's adjusting pretty well. She plays very well on her own, thank goodness. Her favorite activity, though, is reading books and having books read to her. She could read books all day long. Over and over.

Aside from nausea, I am having trouble with heartburn - especially at night. I have stopped taking the gummy vitamins again. They are sour and actually aren't bad, but for some reason I cannot get myself to take them right now. I am already uncomfortable, feeling big and like things are pushing against my stomach and ribs. The taste in my mouth is, possibly, the worst thing I feel during the day. After I eat, especially after I eat something sweet, I always have a terrible taste in my mouth. Nothing makes it go away. Hormones create my reality. They are very difficult to battle. No, impossible. In the night, my legs feel like bricks. They fall asleep and they ache. I get a bit of relief by sleeping with a pillow between them. Everything is just so uncomfortable. Even my bladder. It feels full often and my pubic bone aches at times from the pressure of it all. Will it ever get any better? Yes, after the baby has broken through my skin again and is out of my body! In six months or so.

My intuition says I am having a girl. But a lot of what we call intuition is bogus.

I wear pajama pants most every day.

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